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Here is an excellent book that covers many of these texts - a good resource you can use prior to the completion of this page:
It's Gary Amirault's website containing the one hundred year old book,
"Bible Threatenings Explained"

We're just beginning to put this section together. 

But here's a little to get you started . . .


There are various verses that appear to support the traditional view of hell and eternal torment.


This page will contain these passages and a rebuttal or series of comments about each.


1) Matthew 7:13, 14    CLICK HERE  


2) II Thessalonians 1:8, 9   CLICK HERE 


3) Matthew 25:31-46 


4) John 5:28, 29


5) Romans 2:7-8


6) Matthew 13:30


7) Matthew 25:41


8) Matthew 7:23


9) Luke 13:27


10) Luke 12:5


11) Mark 9:44


12) II Peter 3:7

CLICK HERE  for Summary Article About Verses That "Prove" The Lost Go To Hell




Along this area of research we'd like to recommend the book Hell Yes/Hell No by Dr. John Noe.

Dr. Noe provides a balanced study of these verses along with commentary by various theologians. 





Something to remember . . . 


The warnings that Jesus gave were never about "hell."  They were about Gehenna, which was the landfill just outside Jerusalem.


His warnings were directly to the Jewish leadership of the day. He even told them that these things (His warnings) would take place in their generation. 


Over one million Jews were killed and burned in Gehenna by the Roman soldiers before 70 AD. Jesus' warnings came true during that generation and He never spoke of hell. While His non-Gehenna warnings are sometimes stern and something to take seriously - these warnings are not of eternal torment or endless punishment. 


John 3:17 tells us that Jesus did not come to judge the world. He came to save the world. 


We believe Jesus is, and will be, successful!



When faced with a text that seems to prove that God is going to eternally torture people - Go to Google and type in "Tentmaker" before the verse. 


For example:  A friend asked me about Jesus' statement that it would have been better if Judas had never been born. 





Typing in Tentmaker before your search will help you find many great perspectives on these troubling verses.


(typed into your Google search will also help find helpful information)

Some Bullet Points to Consider

Before We Shoot Judas



* The Greek text never tells us that Judas hung himself.


* Judas's suicide is an assumption without full textual support.


* The early manuscript tells us that he either suffocated or 

choked before he fell headfirst onto something sharp or a 

height sufficient to break open his skin allowing his bowels 

to escape.


* Some believe, and with good reason, that Judas may have

died from Gebrochenes-Herz-Syndrome or more commonly

known in our society as “broken heart syndrome”, a very real

and somewhat common occurrence among those experiencing intense grief.


* The Greek scholar Wakefield, renders Acts 1:18 "was choked with anguish." 


* If he had fallen from a weak rope after hanging himself, as

many assume from the modern translations, then he would

have fallen feet first – not head first as the Greek text declares.


* The Greek version of Matthew 27:4 makes it quite apparent that he was not only regretful, but he confessed of his sin and was

repentant with these words: "I sinned in giving up innocent blood."


* Judas was a major part of the fulfillment of prophecy and

the crucifixion for which Jesus came.


* Judas's actions were horrible, yet not unforgivable. Peter

denied Christ that same night three times and he too was

called 'Satan' by Jesus.














* Jesus spoke to the twelve disciples before Mathias was

chosen to take Judas' place. Judas was and is loved by his



* The KJV and a few other translations seem to tell us that

it would have been better if Judas had not been born. However, the Martin Luther, Rotherham's, Douay, Wycliff's, Tyndale's, Youngs and Concordant indicate that it would have been good, pleasant or beautiful for JESUS if Judas had not been born. 


* This phrase which Jesus uses, "better to not be born" is

a proverbial phrase or idiomatic phrase common in Jesus

ministry on earth. It never seems to indicate eternal or other worldly connotations. It is never used in scripture to indicate everlasting consequences.


* If we are to consider an extreme sin such as Judas's

betrayal as beyond God's mercy, we should consider Paul's

own comment about himself as the chief of sinners. 


* There are no passages of scripture that give

rise to, nor evidence of, the idea that Judas was 'damned'.

In fact the BVB's on the HOME page of this website

tell us that Judas is saved by God, not his actions or repentance.  


* 1 John 2:2 states: "He [Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also  for the sins of the whole world."

CLICK BELOW to read a few good articles on this subject








Eric Barger refutes Christian Universalism or The Victorious Gospel in this 10 minute video. 


Each of the passages presented here will be looked at very closely in context and in the original Greek texts in the coming weeks in this section of site. However, for now, the following video by Wendy Burnfield is a response to Mr. Bargers presentation.

(NOTE: I Corinthians 1:18 in Aramaic/English Translation - "The message of the crucifixion is insanity to the lost, but to those of us who have life it is the power of God."  Everyone is blind to the message of God's mercy and love until God opens our eyes and hearts to see it. It will seem silly or insane to everyone until God reveals Himself to each and every person, whether it happens on this side of the grave or the other side - at resurrection.) 

"God's judgment and wrath may seem severe, but it is never absent of His merciful plan to restore all."


This site was created on March 1 - 2015  

Last update January 19, 2025


by Text 214-882-1173

Articles and Stories by Mike Owens unless otherwise noted








© 2015 Mike Owens  Proudly created with  



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