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Bible Verses Banned
By Bible Believing Believers
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A Few of The Many Good Books On This Subject
NOTE: Some of the titles below use the term "universal, universalism, universalist",
however, it is important to note that these books
Each of these authors are writing about "CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM"
Universalism, per se, is not focused on the Bible nor Jesus Christ and His finished
work on the cross.
These books are about the beautiful and amazing VICTORIOUS GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.
Concordant Publishing Concern Has Many Great Booklets FREE On Line.
They also print the Concordant Literal Version of the Bible - - HIGHLY
The Bible Student’s Notebook™ is a periodical dedicated to the:
* Promotion of Bible study
* Encouragement of the believer’s growth in grace
* Recovery of truth that has too long been hidden under the veils of traditionalism, prejudice, misunderstanding and fear.
The Bible Student’s Notebook™ is not
connected with any "Church,"
"Movement," "Organization,"
"Society," "Mission," or separate
body of believers,
but is sent forth to and
for all of God’s saints.

"These periodicals are my favorite books. You can grab one if you're running out the door. They're great especially if you like reading engaging and thought provoking SHORT articles by a variety of writers from the past two hundred years up to now.
You might start with a more current Volume like #23 or #24. When you get hooked, you can order more, like I do."
Wipf & Stock Publishers print many great books about the Victorious Gospel.
Enter The Best
Resource For Quality Books and
Great Resources On The Subject
of God's Sovereignty and His
Plan To Redeem All